Well, I've had a few requests recently as to what kind of camera I use, what kind of processing program I use, and where I get my photos printed... So, why not do a post? :)
First things first:
I have a Canon Rebel DSLR Camera that I use. I picked this baby up at a pawn shop downtown for $250 a couple Christmas's ago. Needless to say, it's been through a lot since then. Snow, The Color Festival, the Oceans of Hawaii. (If you don't believe me, just look back through my posts). This thing is amazing. I have two lenses that I use: a short range and tele-photo lens. Both of the Canon variety.
Next: I use Photoshop. However, not that often. The only thing I'll ever really play with is the levels to lighten a picture and the curves, to increase the contrast of the picture, if I feel the color didn't come out well. Like this one:
Because he was surrounded by a white back ground, he looked a little washed out, so I lightened the levels and balanced the curves so his black coat would stand out more. And check out his eyes. So cute!!
There are all sorts of Photoshop Tutorials out there, the main ones that I've found that I love come from
http://photoshoptutorials.ws/. Can't afford Photoshop? There are plenty of free photo editing softwares available online. Several of my friends use
Pixlr.com/editor and Picnik.com they're both free and you don't necessarily have to make an account to use them.
Last: I have had my photos printed at all sorts of places. However, the one that I've enjoyed the most is WinkFlash.
They have a special for first time users that you can get 50 4x6 prints for free, using the code 50 FREE, and get $.99 shipping as well. You can usually find other codes online for specials or coupons that'll make ordering through them cheap. They also have larger print sizes and auto correct on pictures, so if you don't want to edit them yourself, they'll do it for you!
Any more questions/comments? Email me at trisstalyman(at)hotmail.com